Courtney Rayne Farlow
2/13/2013 01:59:18 am

I viewed these photos with the class so I heard what they are supposed to portray (one direction and foot in your mouth).... As was suggested I think that if you directly put the foot in the mouth it would have gotten the message across better. But then it would not be doing a "visual punn" because the actual action was taking place rather than telling a story with the images.

2/14/2013 11:47:43 am

I already know what these are :) I like your pictures but I think yous hould've taken out the more distracting elements in the shots such as the blue curtains and the door in the background that I thought meant something to the scene. I like the lighting in the first shot :)

2/18/2013 03:52:24 am

I like the ideas in the pictures I think they are thought about alot!! The second one is a little hard to understand with the blinds beign a little bit of a detraction from the rest of the photo. bye. potato.

3/11/2013 02:34:17 am

The idea behind these pictures are interesting but there was supposed to be 5 and the ones you have are a bit confusing. to improve them you could emphasize the action and crop it more to only show whats happening in them for example the foot in the mouth one could be just the mouth open and have the foot in it

3/20/2013 11:53:15 am

I like your thought process behind these. I really couldn't guess any of them and that's the thing I would change.I would consider your audience in your pictures.

Bella Q
3/22/2013 02:33:14 am

I honestly tried with all my capability to guess what these are without reading the comments and i don't think i couldve guessed what these are. The first picture shows a good compisition with rule of thirds and demension. But you couldve tried to fix the ISO and white balance. The second photo i didnt get either. the composition is confusing because your hand is in the middle and the background is sort of square so the positive thing i could say about this is that the skin color of your hand looks natural.


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    February 2013

